How to Illuminate Different Sections of a Gym

There are several things to take into consideration when planning lighting for a gym. Gyms need a lot of light and must appear bright and airy at all times. They have different sections and each requires specific lighting. The light fixtures you choose must always be based on the needs of the area.

The success of a fitness business usually hinges on customer retention. If people love a gym, they will keep coming back. Lighting can make or break a gym. Some gyms are cold and sterile, almost hospital-like, and their lighting does not create a warm environment. The good news is that you can transform a gym just by changing the lighting. You can redesign each room to get the response you want from gym members. Light has a very powerful effect, it can motivate or demotivate.

The Relationship between Light, Mood, and Movement

Nothing has a greater impact on mood and movement in a gym than lighting. Most facilities incorporate as much natural light as possible because it has the ability to improve mood. Natural light has a positive impact on alertness, the more alert someone is, the more energized they will be.

The light color that people respond positively to is the one most similar to natural light. It is on clear, sunny days that people feel most alert and energized – which is why light that mimics natural light should be used in gyms.

We’ve installed LED lighting in many gymnasiums, so we’ve decided to give lighting recommendations for different gym sections.

Lighting Different Areas of a Gym

Workout Areas

Workout areas are the most important areas of a gym because people come to a gym to work out. These sections should have bright lights that enhance alertness. In large rooms where high-intensity workouts like aerobics or boot camps are performed, the lights should have a color temperature of 4000K.

These lights help gym members to see the instructor and also avoid injury. To enhance the effect, the lights can be programmed to change intensity or color. They can also be paired with high-energy videos or music.

In areas where yoga or meditation are done, soft light is needed. The light installed should create a calming environment. LED fixtures installed in these areas should be dimmable to create a relaxed mood.

In cycling classes where individuals don’t physically interact, darker light is acceptable. But the instructor must be able to make the room fully bright if need be – and this is where dimmers come in. Workout rooms should never be completely dark. Some lights should always be on to light up the paths and the exit in case of emergencies, or if a participant needs to leave during a session.

In the weightlifting and cardio areas, bright light fixtures with a slightly lower lumen output are recommended. This is because gym members may have to look at the light when using machines that require them to lie on their backs. If the light is too bright, it will make their eyes uncomfortable.

LEDs used in these areas can have milky lens covers or they can be combined with diffusers. Lighting designers must also pay attention to glare levels as most workout machines and treadmills will cause glare if the light is too bright or installed in the wrong spot.

Pool and Showers

The lights used in pool and shower areas must be UL Listed for wet locations. Recessed lighting is also perfect for these places as the fixtures will be more protected if they are housed inside the ceiling and not suspended.

Lights installed in the pool area must have three qualities: durability, resistance, and safety. While there are no set foot candle standards for pools, they should have a minimum of 200 lux over their surfaces during the day and night. The lighting installed in the shower area should have a high level of brightness to improve safety and visibility.

Lockers and Changing Area

The changing area of a gym plays a vital role in customer satisfaction. It should always appear hygienic and the lighting must create a sense of space and luxury.

The changing area usually serves as a relaxation spot after working out. For this reason, the lighting installed must be bright but gentle. People also need bright light as they open their lockers and retrieve or put their personal belongings. Lighting experts shouldn’t be afraid to mix and match light fixtures of different types or lumen outputs. They can install soft lights in the changing area and bright lights in the locker area.

The Exterior

The exterior lights of a gym can attract potential members or drive them away. High-quality light fixtures can make those outside the gym to see what’s going on inside and be motivated to join. The lights can also make the exterior safe and make people want to linger.

When choosing exterior light fixtures for a gym, the most crucial factor is durability. Only fixtures that are UL Listed for wet and damp locations should be used as they will be constantly exposed to outdoor elements like rain, heat, and wind.

The walkway leading to the gym must be well-lit as this lowers the chances of accidents. Lighting poles with mounted lights or wall mounted fixtures that distribute light downwards can be used – the most important thing is to create a safe, attractive walkway.

The Bottom Line

The most important factor in gym lighting is client comfort. If people don’t feel comfortable in a gym, they won’t go back. The lighting should create an environment that is inviting, safe, and enjoyable. Use the right LED lighting to create a perfect environment for exercise.




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